(R.W.M. 1945 -1946)

If there were no bad people, there would be
No good lawyers.
(“ Barnaby Rudge ” –– Chas. Dickens)

 Bro. CHARLES McFADYEN was born in the north western district of Glasgow in May, 1905. He started his schooldays in North Kelvinside School, and thereafter he studied under private tutors and at the University of Glasgow.

Bro. C. McFadyen is a lawyer by profession, but has made the accountancy side of his work his special sphere.
Golf used to be his sport, but owing to a long period of ill-health outdoor sport is now denied to him, but with music and literature he manages to enjoy all the spare time he has at his disposal.

So far all the Masters of Lodge Riddrie have been married men. Bro. McFadyen is our first bachelor.

Bro. McFadyen was installed Master on 28th November, 1945, his Installing Masters being Bros. G. K. Stewart and Thomas Munro, both Past Masters of Lodge Riddrie.
On the journey to the chair Bro. McFadyen had filled the offices of Director of ceremonies, Junior Chaplain, Inner Guard, Junior warden, and Substitute Master.

Deputations were received into the Lodge from the P. G. Lodge of Glasgow, headed by Bro. j. Martin Baxter, S.P.G.M. ; and from Lodges Dolphin, No. 991, Bonnybridge, headed by Bro. Leishman, P. M. ; Montifiore, No. 753 headed by Bro. W. M. Bloom, P. M., who worked a First Degree ; and Glasgow St. John, No. 3 bis, headed by the Master, Bro. A. McKellar, who worked the Degree of Master Mason.

We visited Lodge Glasgow, No. 441, our Deputation being headed by Bro. G. K. Stewart, P. M., when the Third Degree was worked by Bro. Hugh Davis, Junior Warden ; and Lodge St John No. 252, our deputation being headed by Bro. A. F. Crow, P. M., who was invited to occupy the chair, whilst the Third Degree was worked by Bro. James Lappin, Senior Warden.

A theatre supper was held to help to raise funds for a “ Welcome Home ”  Fund, and the amount of
 £15 13s, od. Was raised. This fund was, in meantime, to take the place of the Servicemen’s Fund. On 4th December the last disbursement of 20/- to men on foreign service and 10/- to men on home service was made, the balance of the fund being transferred to the newly instituted” Welcome Home ” Fund. The total amount sent to brethren on service was £386 10s. Od.

It was agreed that early in 1947 we hold a function to take the place of the Annual Dinner, and at the same time to be regarded as the Twenty-first Birthday Party of the Lodge and the W Welcome Home ” to our Servicemen.
Our halls were derequisitioned on 21st December, 1945, and the Halls Committee were asked to try and have the necessary repairs carried out during the summer months so that the Temple may be ready for service in the new Masonic year.

A number of office -bearers had to demit office during the year on account of their leaving the district through business reasons.

Death claimed Bros. John C. Shaw and David P. Fyfe.

A brother who desired to remain anonymous, handed the Master a  Volume of the Sacred Law, to be used at the Ceremony of Installed Master.
Seventeen meetings were held during the year, at which 32 intrants were received into the Lodge. The attendance at Lodge meetings had increased over the last year by fifty per cent., a sign that we were getting back to more normal times.

At the last meeting of his year the Master stated that this being the last meeting we would hold in St. Enoch’s Hogganfield Church Hall he would like to place on record the sincere thanks of all members of this Lodge to the Moderator and Kirk Session of the Church for many kindness and favours received during the past five years ; Bro John Brown, Session Clerk we are deeply indebted for his assistance in arranging accommodation to suit our needs on very many occasions.