A chiel's amang you, taking notes,
And, faith, he'll prent it.

  At a meeting of the general Committee of Lodge Riddrie, Glasgow, No 1340, held in St. Enoch's Hogganfield Church Hall, on Wednesday, 22nd October, 1930, Bro. L.L. Fotheringham proposed that an Historian be added to the list of Office-Bearers. After discussions it was agreed to let the matter lie on the table meantime

When the Lodge moved to its own premises in Smithycroft Road, some alterations in the Bye-Laws were needed, and as this was thought to be a good opportunity the Office of Historian was added to the list of Office-Bearers, and on 27th January, 1937, that office became effective.

Bro. Fotheringham's idea was certainly a good one, for even at this early date some of the proceedings which took place advent to the founding of the Lodge were only in the memory of the Brethren concerned, as no written account was made of what had actually taken place.

Now that the office of Historian is in being it ought not to be difficult to add the account of the year's work when once the annuals are brought up to date.