(R.W.M. - 1936 - 1937)

Build to-day, then, strong and sure
With firm and ample base ;
And ascending and secure
Shall to-morrow find its place.
(“ The Builders ” ––Longfellow)

Bro. J. D. FRASER was installed as Master on 25th November, 1936, his Installing Masters being Bro. James Purves, P.M., 1340, P.S.S.W., and Bro. D. M. Kerr, P.M., 1340.
Bro. Fraser was born in Aberdeen on 8th April, `90`, but spent his schooldays in Glasgow, attending the elementary school nearest Riddrie in these days –– Haghill –– thereafter, Alllan Glen’s in the city.
 It will be remembered that earlier in theses chronicles we stated that Bro. Fraser cut, and carried at the first ceremony, the Mark Stones of the Lodge. He also fabricated the Italian marble pillars and memorial stone unveiled at the Consecration of the Temple.

He was first installed into office in 1927 as Sword Bearer, having the honour of preceding his father –– Bro. James Fraser, Master –– into the Lodge . Thereafter on his road to the East, he occupied the offices of Director of Ceremonies, Inner Guard (two years), Junior Deacon, Senior Deacon, Junior Warden, Senior warden, and Substitute Master.

The celebration of the bi-centenary of Grand Lodge was held on 30th November, 1936, at the Annual Installation and Festival of St. Andrew.
At the Regular Communication of Grand Lodge in November, 1935, Bro. Lord Sattoun, seconded by Bro. The Earl of Elgin, proposed “ That Brother, H.R.H. The Price of Wales, be elected as Grand Master Mason for Installation on 30th November, 1936 .” The death of King George V, however, and the succession of His Royal Highness to the Throne made it inexpedient for this installation to be carried out.
Bro. Sir Ian Colquhoun in April, 1936, announced to the Grand Committee that Brother, H.R.H. The Duke of York, was agreeable to accept nomination as Grand Master Mason in place of his brother.

Bro. H.R.H. The Duke of York was presented at the August Communication of Grand Lodge, when he was formally introduced to the assembled brethren and was duly nominated and elected Grand Master Mason.
As a large number of overseas guests was anticipated, a fund of £10.000 was collected and from the Scottish brethren so that our visitors could be properly entertained during their stay amongst us.
The Caledonian Hotel in Edinburgh was secured to accommodate the overseas party, the Usher Hall for the Installation Ceremony, and the Concert Hall and Assembly Rooms for the evening festivities.
A special performance was given in the Edinburgh Empire Theatre, the proceeds to augment Grand Lodge Orphan Fund. The week was brought to a close with a Thanksgiving Masonic Divine Service, held in St. Giles Cathedral.
A the number which could be accommodated at the Edinburgh festivities was limited, the P.G. Lodge of Glasgow organised a Dinner in St. Andrew’s Hall to take place concurrent with that in Edinburgh. A relay system from proceedings in Edinburgh had been installed and about a thousand brethren listened to the Edinburgh festival through the loud-speakers.
The following telegram was transmitted from Glasgow to the brethren in Edinburgh : “ One thousand brethren representing ninety Masonic Lodges in the West of Scotland who are met in St. Andrew’s Hall, Glasgow, to celebrate the bi-centenary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, send a message of loyalty and fealty to the Grand Master Mason of Scotland and fraternal greetings to their brethren from all parts of the world assembled in Edinburgh.”
A gift of five hundred guineas was presented to the Princess Margaret Rose Hospital for Crippled Children out of the funds collected for the bi-centenary celebrations, and the balance of the fund thereafter amounted to nearly £6,000.
As the brethren concerned were happy about the way we had entertained our guests, Grand Lodge decided to invest a portion of the residue, the interest therefrom to be credited to an account from which the necessary funds could be obtained to entertain any overseas brethren visiting Grand Lodge in the future.
Three of our brethren, James Purves, James Fraser and Robert Gemmell, acted as stewards at the Edinburgh proceedings, and to commemorate their work the brethren of Lodge Riddrie presented them with Bi-centenary Jewels.

King Edward VIII abdicated, and H.R.H. The Duke of York succeeded to the Throne. Ad the ruling monarch, he in accordance with precedent, resigned from the office as Grand Master Mason of Scotland.
The following letter of resignation was received by  Bro. Sir Ian Colquhoun, K.T., immediate Past Grand Master Mason.

8TH March, 1937.
On my accession to the Throne I have ceased participating actively in Free Masonry. I ask you therefore, to intimate to the Grand Lodge of Scotland my resignation as Grand Master Mason.
At the same time I desire that you will convey to Grand Lodge my sincere thanks for the whole-hearted support that has been afforded me during my tenure of the office, and my assurance that I shall always regard Scottish Freemasonry with deep and personal interest.
Yours sincerely,
(Signed)      GEORGE  R. I.

On the 10th February, 1937, Bro. James S. M. Grieve, I.P. Subs. P.G.M., headed the Annual Visitation from P.G. Lodge. Bro. Grieve read a letter from the P.G. Master, suggesting that lapsed members should be visited, also that a lecture should take place of Degree work at some of the Regular Meetings.
Bro. Grieve stressed the former of these suggestions, remarking that the small sum of one penny per week from each of the two hundred and twenty-two members of the Lodge living in the Glasgow Province would put the Lodge on a sound basis financially. He congratulated Bro. Marshall on his clear minute and wished Bro. Fraser success during his year of office.

A new Altar, the work of our Tyler, Bro, E. Robertson, was presented to the Lodge by the Past Master. The ceremony of unveiling was carried through by the P.G. Master, Bro. Sir Alexander Swan, D.L., J.P., LL.D. ; the dedication by Bro. Rev. Robert Morris, M.A., Senior Chaplain ; and the presentation by Br. James Purves, the Senior Past Master. On behalf of the Past Masters, Bro. D. M. Kerr presented Bro. Robertson with the gift of a timepiece for his work in fashioning the Altar ; he also thanked Bro. John Scott for furnishing the Altar with blue leather cushions.
Bro. Alexander Swan accepted Honorary Membership of the Lodge –– the obligation being given by Bro. James D. Fraser, Master –– and was presented with an Honorary Members Jewel. After giving thanks for the honour done to him, Bro. Swan spoke regarding his desire for a decent building in |Glasgow to house P.G. Lodge, and asked support foe a scheme which would be coming along to give financial assistance to the project.
We had a visit from the members of Lodge Scoon and Perth at this ceremony and the Master, Bro. Major James Hepburn, eulogised the work of the Tyler and thanked the brethren for a very happy evening.
Other visitations during the year were from Lodges The Glasgow Star, No. 219, when Bro. W. M. Macdonald carried through the ceremony of the Mark ; Neptune Kilwinning, Saltcoats No. 442, headed by the Master, Bro. Robert Dickie, founder member of Lodge Riddrie ; and Govandale, No. 1222, headed by the Master, Bro. Donald F. Currie, who brought with him the Lodge Choir, which assisted by rendering items during the working of the Third Degree.

During the year 16 meetings were held –– 17 intrants and 1 affiliate being admitted into the Lodge.

Death claimed two founder members, Bros. S. S. Birnie, and A.S. Corkhill, and one intrant, Bro. Stanley A. Nunn.

So far the Lodge circulars had been printed, but in order to save money, it was decided in future to have them duplicated. If at any time a cheaper method comes along no doubt we will change again.

On the social side of the Lodge, Bro. D. M. Kerr asked the brethren to think about the advisability of running a No. 1340 social club, and requested suggestions. A concert in partnership with the “Bohemians,” raised £15 for the Building Fund.

The usual series of whist drives and dances was carried out and a special dance was held to commemorate the coronation of King George. This took place on the date of our Regular May Meeting, P.G. Lodge having granted permission to cancel the meeting in order that we could celebrate properly.

The Lodge Golf Championship was won by Bro. Claude Coggan, and the Dick Cup by Past Master Bro. A. W. Ronald.

At the conclusion of his year Bro. Fraser presented the Lodge with six chairs for the use on the dais and two chairs for  the of the Deacons. The chairs were purchased from the profits of the ladies afternoon whist drives run by Mrs. J. D. Fraser, and the sale of photographs of the Altar which were presented by Bro. James Fraser.