( R.W.M. 1927 - 1928 )

But what man is fit to hold office ?    Only he
Who regards political office as a public trust.
(Address when opening Brooklyn Bridge –––
A. S. Hewit.)

Bro. Fraser was born in Aberdeen in November 1869. He was apprenticed to a baker, but did not like the work, finding himself making models of various objects of the dough instead of curlies or cookies. His modelling led Bro. Fraser to forsake the bakery and apprentice himself to a mason and sculptor, and this became his life work.

     His Mother Lodge is Operative, No. 150. This Lodge only accepts operative masons for initiation; we have not been able to find any other Lodge which makes this stipulation

     In 1890 Bro. Fraser immigrated to America, but came back to his native city after about ten years. During his stay in America he visited many American Lodges and later he visited extensively lodges in Scotland and Ireland

     He became a member of Glasgow Parish Council in 1913, and remained on the Council until the new Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1930. Thereafter he represented Millerston on the Ninth District Council.

     In his young days Bro. Fraser was a member of the famous Dennistoun Minstrels and was always a welcome turn o any concert platform. He occupied the presidential chair of the Glasgow Aberdeenshire Association from 1920 to 1924, and also was president of Glasgow Highlanders' Association for the usual period of three years from 1940.

     Bro. Fraser was installed Master on 23rd November, 1927, his installing Masters being Bros. James Purves, I.P.M., 1340, and Alex McCracken, I.P.M., 1282

     A new Secretary, Bro. D.M. Kerr, and a new Treasurer, Bro. James M. Gray, were installed at this time. It was hoped that these brothers would give good service in their arduous offices: at he same time it was pointed out that good men could not be chained to these offices and if at any time they decided to go forward to higher positions in the Lodge a desirable place would be found for them.
     Bro. Fraser's two sons, James Davie and Alexander, were initiates of the Lodge, and the three "brothers" worked a First Degree together - surely a very unique combination. In January, 1928, Bro. Andrew MacBride, P.M., Lodge Progress, No. 873, gave a very interesting lecture on Masonry and, as an example, worked a Fellowcraft Degree.

     The second of our founder members to be honoured as Master by his Mother Lodge was Bro. David Hood, he being elected to rule Lodge St. Andrew, East Kilbride, No. 524 The friendship made with Lodge Scoon and Perth No. 3, was further cemented by a visitation from brethren of that Lodge, when a very happy evening was spent.

     On Friday and Saturday, 2nd and 3rd March, 1928, a Grand Bazaar and Fancy Fair was held in the McLellan Galleries, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, being opened on the first day by Mrs. A.A. Hagart Speirs of Elderslie, and on the second day by Sir Matthew W Montgomerie D.L., LL.D. We cannot go better than quote from the souvenir programme on that occasion:

                                                    "OUR AIM"

             Lodge Riddrie, situated in one of the new Glasgow suburbs,
             was formed in 1925. The Lodge is presently accommodated
             in the hall of St. Enoch's Hogganfield Parish Church. As this
             arrangement is of a temporary nature and may be discontinued
             upon short notice, the Lodge felt that other accommodation
             must be secured. There is no other suitable hall in the vicinity,
             and after discussion, a Building Fund was formed with a
             view to the Lodge building its own Temple. For over two
             years the Lodge, with the assistance of a Ladies' Committee,
             has been working towards that end, and a fair measure of
             success has been achieved. The Bazaar is the culmination
             point of our efforts to posses our own Temple.

     Bro. R. Murray MacGregor was Bazaar Secretary and Bro. Adam M. McKinly, Bazaar treasurer, and they put in a very strenuous period of service both before, at, and after the event.

     It would be unfair if at this point we did not mention the ladies who gave ungrudgingly of their time and labour in order to make the Bazaar a success. There were eleven conveners of stalls, each having from one to two dozen ladies as assistants, and as each had an individual colour, which repeated in the assistants' dresses, the whole was a view through a kaleidoscope.

     One of the side stalls was used for dancing and another for the Fair, at which various competitions and games of chance were held, and where the gipsy queen in her tent foretold your splendid future. Financially we expected more than we attained, but the amount raised gave the committee courage to go ahead with the project.

     Another outstanding event during this year was the Consecration of the new Lodge room by Bro. A.A. Hagart Speirs of Elderslie, D.L., J.P., Most Worshipful Grand Master Depute, R.W. Provincial Grand Master, Glasgow Province: the session of St.Enoch's Hogganfield Church having given us permission to occupy the upstairs hall in the new suite. Bro Hagart Speirs was assisted by the P.G. Chaplain, Bro. A. Boyd Scott, and P.G.L. office-bearers

     Some of the brethren who were attending the meeting of the British Association were present at the consecration and were welcomed by the Master. Bro. A Garson, an office-bearer of the Grand Lodge of England, on behalf of the visitors, gave thanks for an enjoyable and instructive evening.

     Nineteen meetings were held during the year, at which were initiated 18 new members, whilst 5 brethren from other Lodges were affiliated. P.G. Visitation was headed by Bro. J. Rankin Andrew, S.P.G.M., who reported the Lodge working in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

     Deputations were received from Lodges St. John operative, Rutherglen, No. 347, who worked a Third Degree; also from Scotia, No 178. Brethren from the Lodge worked a Mark Ceremony at Mother Kilwinning. A visit also paid to Lodge Leven St. John.