(R.W.M. 1944 - 1945)

Thou  art pinch’d for’t now.
          (“ The Tempest ” –– Shakespeare)

Bro. McLEAN came to the chair from the office of Senior Warden. Previously he had held the offices of Director of Ceremonies, Bible Bearer, Inner Guard, Junior Deacon, and Senior Deacon.

He was installed Master on 22nd November, 1944, his Installing Masters being Bros. D. M. Kerr and L. H. Campbell, both Past Masters of Lodge Riddrie.

Bro. Bond who had occupied the office of Secretary with credit for the past four years, had been elected to fill a Wardens chair, so a new Secretary, Bro James Chrystall, took over the reigns of that office.

At a meeting of the P.G. Lodge , Bro. W. R. Stark raised the question of Lodge Riddrie being without representation in P.G. Lodge, the position held by the late Bro. James Purves not having been filled. The P.G. Master promised to give the matter immediate attention, with the result that Bro. Robert Marshall was called upon to fill the vacancy.

We visited Lodge Langside, No. 995 and Lodge Montifiore, No. 753, and were visited as usual by P.G. Lodge, the deputation being headed by the P.G. Master Bro. J. Osborne Martin.

Bros. James Callaghan, Treasurer, and George Grant, Junior Deacon, asked to be relieved of their offices, as they could not give the necessary attention to them through the pressing emergencies of their daily avocations. Permission was granted, and Bro. D. Scott was elected to take over the office of Treasurer.

Bro. L. L. Fotheringham presented the Lodge with six volumes on the “ History of Freemasonry, ”  by R. F. Gould, for which he was thanked.

A whist drive and dance was run by Bro. G. G. Pirie in aid of the Servicemen’s Fund, and realised the magnificent sum of £33 2s. 3d.

We lost through death Bros. W. A. Irvine, Mat McColl, W. Shaw, Jun, and J. B. Bain.

Twenty-two meetings were held during the year, at which 32 intrants and 1 affiliate were received into the Lodge.

One of our Servicemen, an office-bearer, Bro. Duncan McNab, was killed on 19th March, 1945, while serving on the destroyer H.M.S. Volage.
The vessel was on patrol in the Indian Ocean and was suddenly attacked by Japanese shore batteries. A shell entered the Asdic Room, where Bro. McNab and two of his comrades were working, all three being killed instantaneously.
A Welsh member of the crew of two hundred and eighty men, who was also a member of our fraternity, fashioned a White Apron, and Bro. McNab was buried at sea wearing the symbol which he adorned so well while living and moving amongst us.
We mourn the loss of our brother, but give thanks that hostilities have ceased, and that once again there is peace throughout our war-weary world.

“ Time takes them home that we loved, fair names and famous,
To the long soft sleep, to the broad sweet bosom of death;
But the flower of their souls he shall not take away to
Shame us.
Nor the lips lack song for ever, that now lack  breath.
For with us shall the music and perfume that die not dwell,
Through the dead to our dead bid welcome, and we  farewell.”