(R.W.M. - 1930 - 1931)

A lawyer without history or literature is a
 mechanic, a mere working mason ; if he possesses
Some knowledge of these, he may venture to call
Himself an architect.
(“ Guy Mannering ” –– Scott)

Bro. R. MURRAY MACGREGOR was installed into the chair of Lodge Riddrie on 26th November, 1930, his Installing Masters being Bros. James A. Wilson, Sub. P.G. Master, P.P. Lodge Progress, No. 873, and The Trades House of Glasgow, No. 1241, and A. W. Wilson, P.M. Lodge Progress, No. 873.

We had in the previous Master left the hall in course of construction and it was now thought that we would be ready for consecration on 11th March, 1931, and Provincial Grand Lodge were informed accordingly, but we reckoned without allowing for the wet weather and this caused the plasterers to stand by for three weeks waiting for the walls to dry out At this time the architects advised us not to let the wright carry on with any of the panelling as the wood would warp later if out on in the present wet conditions of the walls. So we had to cancel instructions for the consecration and hope for a dry summer.
The Lodge went into mourning for three months due to the death of the Provincial Grand Master, Bro. J. Rankin Andrew–– one of our Honorary Members.

Visitations were paid to Lodges Shettleston St. John, St. Kentigern, and The Gael, No. 609, headed by their Master, Bro. Charles Wilkinson, who took over the Lodge, while Bro. James Robb, P.M., and office-bearers worked a Third Degree.
Bros. Thos. Milner, Chaplain, and Hugh A. Brown, Architect, presented to the Lodge leather cases, in which the aprons of their respective offices could be carried, and were duly thanked for their gifts.
It was thought that the Lodge Jewels would depreciate very rapidly if kept all together in a box, so a proper Jewel case, with drawers  and compartments for each Jewel, was purchased at the cost of £3 3/–.
The necessary furnishings for the hall had to be at hand when required, so a kitchen cupboard, hat and coat rack, gas cooker, urns, crockery, cutlery, chairs, tables, and fire extinguishers were purchased.

Bros. J. Blair, and T. Munro agreed to take a Lodge inventory as soon as we were in occupation of the hall, so that the Senior Warden could take over agreed contents..

The loan from the Halifax Building Society was arranged and the following motion was carried without dissent :

Provincial Grand Lodge Visitation took place on 11th March, 1931, the date we had hoped would be that of the consecration ceremony. Bro. James Murray, Sub. P.G. Master, was in charge of the deputation, and  gave a  resume’ of the past years working ; he also spoke regarding the P.G.L. Annuity Fund.

As a Hallkeeper would be required in the near future the Secretary was instructed to advertise the position. The salary was stated and the duties given in detail.
The applicants were interviewed by the Halls Committee. And it was their unanimous decision to recommend that the position be given to Bro. E. Robertson. It was also recommended that in due course Bro. Robertson should be elected to the office of Tyler. This duty became the finding of the lodge.

The hall being completed, a new date, 9th September, 1931, was fixed for the consecration.
Provincial Grand Lodge intimated the number of office bearers who would attend. The members of lodge Riddrie who wished to be present received cards of admission, and invitations were sent to the Masters of Lodges Kilwinning, Scoon and Perth, St. Andrew, Stepps, Scotia, St Kentigern, Alexandra, Shettleston St. John, The Gael, Thistle and Rose, and St Vincent ; and to Bros. Owen Williams, Andrew MacBride, R. B. Wilson, J. H. A. McIntyre, and Stephen S. Farrugya. This left fifty-six seats, and these were balloted for among the friends of brethren, so that at the consecration every seat would be occupied.
The Consecration Ceremony took place on 9th September, 1931. The Master Masons of Lodge Riddrie and visitors being in their places, the office bearers of provincial Grand lodge entered the Lodge, and the Lodge was opened, passed and raised by Bro. John Marr Grant, Provincial Grand Master, Depute, P.M., The Princes Lodge, No. 607.
Bro. Rev. D. A. Cameron Reid, D.D., M.C., M.M., Lodge Union, No. 332, Provincial Grand Chaplain, opened proceedings with prayer ; the consecration Hymn was sung ; and the first lesson (Psalm cxxxiii) was read by Bro. Rev. A. Wylie Smith, B.D., Provincial Grand Master, Perthshire East.
The P.G. Chaplain gave an oration, followed by an anthem sung by the choir, and concluded the first part of the ceremony with prayer.
The office-bearers of P.G. Lodge were arranged in order by the P.G. Director of Ceremonies, and during the perambulation the 100th Psalm, “All people that on earth  do dwell,” was sung.
The Junior P.G. Warden in the South handed the Cornucopia to the P.G.M. Depute, saying : Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Depute : in the dedication of Masonic Halls it has been an immemorial custom to scatter corn thereupon in token of the divine goodness exhibited in the liberal provisions made for all our wants, spiritual and temporal, I therefore present to you this vessel of corn, to be employed by you according to use and wont.”
The P.G. Master Depute sprinkled the corn and pronounced a benediction saying : “ In the Name of the G.A.U., to Whom be all glory, I do solemnly dedicate the Lodge Room to freemasonry”
During a second perambulation the Processional Hymn, “ God is present,” was sung.
The Senior P.G. Warden in the West handed the jar of wine to the P.G.M. Depute, saying : Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Depute : Wine, the symbol of strength and gladness, having, according to ancient custom, been used by our brethren in the dedication and consecration of their Temples, I present to you this vessel of wine, to be used on the present occasion according to established Masonic form.”
The P.G. Master Depute poured out the wine and pronounced a benediction, saying : In the name of the G.G.U., I do solemnly dedicate this Lodge Room to Virtue.”
During a third perambulation the Processional Hymn, “Come let us sound her praise abroad, sweet charity––the child of God,” was sung.
Thereafter the Substitute P.G. Master in the East handed the Vase of Oil to the P.G.M. Depute, saying : Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Depute : I present to you, to be used according to ancient custom, this vessel of oil, an emblem of they joy and peace which should fill all hearts on the completion of every important undertaking.”
The P.G.M. depute poured out the oil and pronounced a benediction : In the of the M.H., I do solemnly dedicate this lodge Room to Universal Benevolence.”
P.G. Lodge office-bearers then resumed their places in the Lodge and the P.G. Chaplain offered up a prayer. The P.G. Master, Perthshire East, read the second lesson (2nd Chronicles : ch. Vi. And vii) and the ceremony was completed by the brethren singing the Doxology, Psalm Ixxii : V. 18 and19.

Bro. Grant then unveiled the Memorial Stone and Pillars, the gift of Past Master Bro. James Fraser and the work of Bro. James D. Fraser, Inner Guard ; who, through an accident, was an inmate of Glasgow Royal Infirmary and so did not see his work unveiled.

Honorary Membership was bestowed on Bro. J. Marr Grant for his splendid work, the obligation being given by Bro. R. Murray MacGregor, Master, No. 1340. Bro. Grant was presented with an Honorary member’s Jewel, and at the harmony which followed, Bros. Grant and Cameron Reid were presented with mementoes of the occasion.
Provincial Grand Lodge granted a certificate authorising the Lodge to use the necessary new Bye-laws.

Now that we are in occupancy of the hall the question of paying for it loomed larger than ever.
Many schemes for raising the necessary amount from the brethren of the Lodge were put forward, and one, the “X” Pence Scheme, had much time, money and stationary spent on it, but in the end nothing came of any of these schemes.

Eighteen meetings were held during this year, at which 16 members were initiated and 4 affiliated.

Bro. A. Russell, Jun., the first Secretary of the Lodge, was congratulated on his obtaining the Degrees of M.B., Ch.B. from Glasgow University.

Bros. G. K. Stewart and M. M. McColl won the Adam Whist Cup at the P.G. Lodge Whist Tournament, and were warmly congratulated on this honour brought to the Lodge. Bro. Stewart also had the honour to be elected President of Blackhill Bowling Club.

Bro. A. W. Ronald arranged a golf outing to Troon in May. A pleasant day was spent on the Ayrshire Course–– the prize winners being Bros. Foster, Welsh, Law, Blair, and Lawrie. Bro Duncan Galbraith had arranged a saloon coach on the train and the card sharpers of the company had a good time.

Bro. D. B. Galloway arranged a carpet bowling match with the officers of Barlinnie, and the event was so enjoyable with tea, song and story following the match, that a return was fixed up right away. Needless to say, the Barlinnie officers won both matches.